In the most general and historical sense, typefaces can be classified into two groups: serifs and sans-serifs. A serif is a decorative stroke that finishes off the end of a…
How much of the story should a book cover tell?
This is a question we get asked a lot. And this is one of those places where there is a great distinction between a movie poster and a book cover….
When should you reveal your book cover?
As with every new product that’s about to hit the market, a sneak preview is always an excellent way to stir some excitement and start some discussions around your book….
What type of paper is used for books?
Most fiction and text-heavy books use uncoated paper for the inside pages and coated paper for the book cover. Recipe books, photo albums, and generally all coffee-table books, on the…
Selecting the correct trim size for your book
First of all, what is a trim size? Trim size is basically, the size of the book after it has gone through the binding process and has been trimmed. In…
The Copyright Page of a Book
One thing all books have in common is the edition notice or copyright page as it’s more widely called. As part of the front matter of a book layout, this…
How to find the perfect design for your book
As our premade book cover catalog is expanding day by day, it might start getting difficult or too time-consuming to find a cover that matches your books needs. Currently we’re hosting…
Book Cover for Sale! Why premade book covers might be the best choice for your next novel.
Premade does not mean mediocre. Premade does not mean ordinary. Quite on the contrary a premade book cover is many times the work of a bold spirit, a designer who has…
Book cover designer – The artist in service of the author
A book cover designer is an artist in every sense of the word. The only difference is that the book cover designer is also a marketing expert. He or she is working with a…
How we design a book cover
The tools used for designing a book cover can vary a lot. Sometimes illustrations are made, sometimes classical paintings are used and most often stock imagery is being used. Collage is…
Why are Serif fonts seen as more formal and Sans Serif not?
A question designers hears all to often. Nevertheless an important one. For while political thrillers and historical fictions are almost exclusevly designed with Serif fonts, action and adventure novels are…
The untold advantage of purchasing a pre-made book cover design
Renowned book designer Chip Kidd (who designed the cover to Jurassic Park and many others) once said that a good book design is about giving form to content but also appreciating…
5 Compelling Book Promotion Ideas for Self-Published Authors
Writing is writing. Publishing, however is marketing. Once you have your book out, you will seriously need to start thinking about ways to promote your title. A good cover design…
Where to publish your next novel and how we can help you while designing your book cover
Over the years the publishing alternatives have skyrocketed. Today you can opt for both an e-book and a printed book through these services. Below you can find some of the…
Number and symbols in business book design
These are exciting times not just for authors, but also for publishers, designers and everyone who has one foot in the publishing industry. While the century-old process of getting published…
Our secret to good covers
Naturally when something turns out bad, we look for someone to blame. Well let’s get it straight, bad book cover designs are fully the designers and publishers responsibility, but actually…
Our Business and Abstract category is growing!
We noticed we have been too busy creating our fiction catalogue, so in the last few weeks we focused on our non-fiction section. As a result we now have a…
Book Cover Zone is growing!
We’ve just reached the 1000 milestone in our catalogue! That means 1000 readily usable, professional and passionate book cover designs that are ready to embrace your novel, poetry book or scientific…
How to choose the right cover for your book?
Books with good graphics, eye-catching font and good quality covers sell more copies than those without. It’s as simple as that. But designing (and choosing) the right cover for your…
What’s the Marketing Rule of 7
Today we’re going to talk some about the art of marketing. Remember your book is the product, the book cover is the package. And before people start using your product (ie…