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Additional services for pre-made covers

In case you want to change one or more aspects of the pre-made cover you have bought, you can get additional revision services. The price varies according to the revision you want us to do. Please keep in mind that not all revisions can be implemented, so ask before purchasing. It will take 24-72 hours to do manual revisions on pre-made covers, depending on the scale of the revision asked for.

Reformat for additional publisher/non-standard trim size (paperback) ($49)

Our automated system supports most standard trim sizes that are available on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). So in most cases you will not need to purchase this service. However if you're using a service other than Amazon KDP or want a trim size that is not listed in the CUSTOMIZATION page, please purchase this service so that we can manually adjust your cover. Please be sure to send us the template that you want your cover to be fitted to.

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Reformat for additional publisher/non-standard trim size (hardcover) ($79)

Our automated system supports most standard trim sizes that are available on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). So in most cases you will not need to purchase this service. However if you're using a service other than Amazon KDP and your book is in hardcover format please purchase this service so that we can manually adjust your cover. Please be sure to send us the template that you want your cover to be fitted to.

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Reformat for Amazon KDP (hardcover) ($49)

Currently our automated system supports trim sizes that are available on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) for paperback editions. However Amazon has recently started offering hardcover binding as well. If you need a hardcover binding for Amazon, please purchase this service. Please be sure to send us the interior type, the paper type, the measurement unit, the page count and the interior trim size of your book for us to be able to create your hardcover. You can also send us the template by creating it from here.

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Add barcode to cover ($49)

Amazon will add the barcode automatically to your cover in most cases. However if you still need the barcode added to your cover please use this service. We also ask for the barcode or the ISBN number sent to us via email. The barcode file should be sent as a PNG file to support@bookcoverzone.com

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Change/remove/add a graphical element on cover ($79)

Sometimes changing the eye or hair color might be necessary. Other times you might want to have a new item added or an existing item removed from the cover. We can also adjust the brightness, the hue or other effects on the cover. These all fall under this service. Please keep in mind that what can and can't be changed will depend on the cover. So before purchasing this service, let us know what your expectations are and we'll tell you if it's doable or not.

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Major graphical changes ($149)

If your cover requires more than a simple addition or subtraction or you want to change the overall feel of a cover a designer will work on your to meet your expectations. This service package includes two revision rounds and once you're satisfied with the result the cover will be reuploaded to the system from where you can continue tweaking the texts. Before purchasing this service, let us know what you want to be done so that we can be sure it's doable.

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Reformat for Audible-ready cover ($49)

Audible covers are not automatically created by the system. Once you purchase this service a designer will work on your cover to make it look as good as possible in a square format. This usually involves adding areas where the imagery continunes to the left and right edges of the original cover. In cases where this is not possible, a detail from the original cover is used and the text layout is arranged accordingly.

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Change typeface of texts ($59)

In cases where your cover is going to belong to a series, the typefaces used on the cover might not work for you. Or you simply have another font in mind. Please be sure to tell us which font you would like the cover to be updated with, BEFORE making this purchase. We might not have the specific font. In case it's free we'll use it, in case we already have it, that's also fine, otherwise an additional fee to purchase the font will be necessary.

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Swap texts composition from another pre-made cover ($59)

You might like the imagery on one cover, but the fonts on another one. In these cases, we can take the fonts and text layout from one of the cover and apply it to the other one. Just let us know which cover you want to have changed and which cover you want the texts to come from and a designer will work on obtaining the best possible result. Please keep in mind that the number of lines and the sizes of the text might differ, depending on the cover.

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Turn into series with uniform typeface on all covers ($199)

If you're buying covers for a series, there is a good chance that the covers won't have consistent typefaces or text arrangements on them. After having purchased all the covers in the series, you can use this service to standardize the texts on all covers. Just tell us which cover you would like to base the rest on, and we'll take it from there. Once a designer has standardized all the covers, they will be reuploaded to the system from where you can continue working on them.

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Social Media Marketing Materials ($29)

We know that publishing a book is not just about getting the book out. You will need a variety of innovative and creative marketing materials that you can use on different social media platforms. That's why you can now purchase a comprehensive package of social media banners, custom tailored to the design of your book. Our innovative LiveBuild engine will let you create your social media marketing materials in a matter of seconds.

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Custom Book Cover Poster ($89)

The poster will be 61 x 91 cm or 24" x 36" in size. An in-house designer will work on your poster. Most of the time we will use a 3D mockup of your book on the center. However, depending on the cover a designer might come up with another creative idea. This service includes two revision rounds OR two unique design concepts. In case you're not satisfied with the first poster we will create another one. After that, any further revisions or new designs will have an additional fee of $30 per round.

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Custom Bookmark ($89)

The book will be 2" x 6", 2" x 7", or 2" x 8 " in size. A 3D mockup of your book, and the texts on the front cover will be used. In case you also want an author portrait, be sure to send it to us. This service includes two revision rounds OR two unique design concepts. After that, any further revisions or new designs will have an additional fee of $30 per round.

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Boxed Set ($119)

A designer will work on creating a 3D mockup box of your books, either in hardcover or paperback format. The boxset will show all the spines as well as one front image. Please let us know which covers will go into the boxset and if you have created the full cover (with spine and back) send us the covers so that we can use the original spines. Also let us know which cover or texts goes on the front of the box.

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Custom Back Cover and Spine ($119)

A designer will work on creating the full cover of your book, either in hardcover or paperback format. You will get a spine and back cover fully consistent with the front cover, and if needed, the image on the front cover will wrap around the full cover. The typefaces and text effects on the front cover will also be carried fully over to the spine and bac cover. This service should be purchased together with the BACK COVER & SPINE as the designer will use the information there to create a new full cover.

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