Not to say that you couldn’t find any covers fresh out from the wild west before. We always had Western covers scattered around under different categories. Some could be found under our Historical genre, others under Mystery Thriller or Action and Adventure. We even had numerous Western covers under Erotica (mostly of sexy, half-nude cowboys, obviously). But now they have their own dedicated category, meaning our designers will focus more on this genre. We will keep adding Western book covers both for romance, action, historical, and erotica, all under this category. (You can of course always search for the perfect cover by using the search box or looking through the tags.)

A great book cover is not just a work of design, it also has to tell a story by itself. The story will contribute to the story in the book, and hopefully add vision and depth to it. This is achieved through color, typography, and other design elements. Western covers are normally distinguishable by clear Western typography, the atmospheric mood, and colors typical to the Western US states, and of course their unique outfit, beautiful horses, and mesmerizing old towns.
Lately, we have noticed a trend in Western novels. More and more, we kept getting emails from our authors, asking for more. So we asked our designers to come up with new, fresh book covers, taking into consideration both the contemporary tastes and trends in design, but implementing them to this past-time world of Western America. Now we feel ready to bring them to your attention. The category is still in its infant days, but our designers are working hard on bringing a much larger collection, so if you’re writing in this category, keep following us! If there are any specific themes you would like to see on our Western covers, just drop us a line at
You can check out our Western category by following this link!