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Sorrell Brown #9700

This book cover has 3 lines for the title, 1 line for the subtitle, 1 line for the author, 2 lines for the hook, and finally 1 line for the genre.

The most popular tags describing this Fantasy premade book cover are , fantasy, art, people and night.

Other keywords revelant to this premade cover are beauty, fashion, portrait, adult, mystery, dress, forest, standing, tree, women, horizontal, fairy, princess, holding, fairy tale, long, adults only, moonlight, photography, flame, beautiful people, females, one person, spirituality, elf, one woman only, ethereal, arts culture and entertainment, young adult, long hair, textile, art and craft, idyllic, blond hair, only women, ethnicity, fire - natural phenomenon, human body part, curly hair, heat - temperature, caucasian ethnicity, human hand, one young woman only, human hair, crown - headwear, human head, serene people.

SKU: #9700

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