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Big Stone #9119

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This book cover has 3 lines for the title, 1 line for the subtitle, 1 line for the author, 2 lines for the hook, and finally 1 line for the genre.

"Mystical Passages: A Gothic Tale of Time and Stone"

“In a world shrouded in darkness, a lone arch stands amidst a sea of stone walls. This gothic architectural feature holds the key to unlocking a long-lost magic that has been hidden away for centuries. In this riveting tale of fantasy, a band of unlikely heroes must navigate through treacherous obstacles and face their deepest fears to uncover the secrets of the arch and save their world from eternal darkness. With a striking premade book cover that perfectly captures the dark and mysterious tone of the...”

The most popular tags describing this Fantasy premade book cover are illustration, dark, fantasy, nature and night.

Other keywords revelant to this premade cover are blue, mystery, travel, old, fog, no people, backgrounds, surreal, architecture, ancient, spirituality, medieval, landscape - scenery, fairy tale, history, digitally generated image, square - composition, tunnel, italy, gothic style, gate, lantern, monument, doorway, light effect, brick wall, nightlife, arch - architectural feature, balcony, stone wall, time machine, row house.