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Careys Pink #13479

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This book cover has 2 lines for the title, 1 line for the subtitle, 1 line for the author, 2 lines for the hook, and finally 1 line for the genre.

"Pedaling Love: A Young Couple's Journey to Forever"

“In "Moonlight Ride", a heartwarming romance novel, a young couple falls in love during a romantic bicycle ride under the moonlight. The book cover captures the essence of their love story, with a beautiful couple gazing at each other under a full moon. This premade book cover design perfectly captures the mood and theme of the novel, making it a perfect Valentine's Day gift for all those who believe in the magic of love. Experience the joy and charm of this delightful love story...”

The most popular tags describing this Romance premade book cover are beauty, woman, beautiful, young and man.

Other keywords revelant to this premade cover are romance, symbol, love, silhouette, human, romantic, tree, couple, moon, holiday, decoration, shape, celebration, grass, image, wedding, card, leaf, valentine, pink, married, greeting, decorative, date, bicycle, enamored, amour.