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Chatelle #14273

“a person sitting on a rock looking at a painting”

$119.00  $89.00

The texts on this cover are just placeholders, added by the book cover designer. You can customize them instantly by clicking CUSTOMIZE.

This book cover has 3 lines for the title, 1 line for the subtitle, 1 line for the author, 3 lines for the hook.

The most popular tags describing this Religion & Spirituality premade book cover are healthy lifestyle, inner peace, person silhouette, divine religion and mind relax.

Other keywords revelant to this premade cover are alone sun, identity color, moment mood, mountain prayer, psychedelic imagination, female face, sunrise tranquility, pray ease, metaphysical paradox, mystical god dream, human health, enlightenment sky, religious class, grateful ego, nepal buddhist cloud, scene background, happy mindfulness, power mindset, sixth sense, strength training, enigma fantasy, serene reflection, body intuition, buddhism symbol, modern fiction, morning breath, woman psychology, fractal design, calm hope, ethereal artwork, energy balance, positive look, young girl 2021, brain together, mental intelligence, being awareness, namaste reverence, asian people, art wallpaper, deep faith, nose perception, spiritual harmony, fit position, indian guru, eternity paradigm.

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...and don't forget to publish a printed version of your book (for free!)

Amazon's self-publishing service Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) as well as Ingram Spark are giving you the opportunity to publish your book for free in a printed format. We'll prepare your full cover (front, spine and back) for an additional charge of $79 according to the Submission Guidelines set forth by Amazon or Ingram Spark. Included in the price we also offer a wide range of 3D mockups of your book.