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Your cover is yours alone, and since the covers aren't just a simple stock image with text, you won't find the same cover anywhere else. It's one of a kind.
All our covers are one-of-a-kind because they were created using *at least* 2 images. Graphic designers often purchase stock photos to create book covers with, and these stock images are available for any artist to buy.

However, if you compare a stock image to one of our professionally-designed covers, they will be different, because the artist utilized a second (or more) image for their cover.

We are able to offer professionally designed book covers at a low price because most of our covers are created with stock photos. If you are looking to get a book cover that is totally different from any cover ever created, you'll want to either hire an illustrator, (we actually have some covers here that are illustrations!), or you'd need to hire a photographer, a model, rent a costume and then have a custom photo shoot. That's a pricey option, one that even Big 5 NY publishers don't use for most of their books. Here at Bookcoverzone.com, for as little as $79, you are getting an original cover that is one-of-a-kind--and after it is sold, it is never sold again!

Chances are that if you are have a technical problem, you are using Internet Explorer which is a very old browser and has not been upgraded in years. We recommend that you first try switching to Firefox or Chrome browser, as we've found it works seamlessly with our site. If that doesn't help, try restarting your computer and sign back in.
As soon as you finish paying with PayPal, go back to your Dashboard and you can download immediately your eBook and Print book cover files. Depending on how you have your computer set up, your files will either show up on your desktop or in some cases, to your Download folder.
The extended license is a requirement of the stock houses, not us and the fee is usually $75 per photo used. Since covers that are created using stock photos are required by us to be created using at least 2 images, depending on how many images were used, it could be $150 or higher. Once an extended license is paid for, it is good forever.

Let's hope you have to get those extended licenses! They will have paid for themselves many times over when you sell 250,000 books!

Sorry, many times that will not be possible.

Our site is set up for our Artists to post a cover and have you, the Author, customize their cover. Asking our Artist to modify their covers moves us away from our vision of a fast and easy way for you to immediately download a finished cover. With the thousands of covers we have on our site and with hundreds added every week, we are sure that if you refine your search you will find the perfect cover. If that doesn't work for you, sometimes for a minimum fee of $50, the artist might be able to help you. We do this on a case by case basis. Send us an email with the cover name and we will let you know if it is possible to do the modification and what the fee would be.
No. No. No. The cover is yours and you can to do what you want with it, for example you can put it on bookmarks, in ads, make a trade booth, giant posters, post cards, put it on business cards- you name it. The cover is yours.

However, the individual images that were used to create your cover are copyrighted by the photographers from the stock houses and they have strict rules about the use of their images and who uses the images.

The Artist that created your cover bought the rights from the stock houses to use and manipulate those images. Those rights are non transferable.

Bottom line, the Artist has the right (through the licensing agreement when the photos were purchased to design your cover) to use/manipulate the images for your cover. Not you, or a third party.
It is important to always follow stock image licensing agreements.

At Bookcoverzone.com, all of our covers use a minimum of two images (and often more), which our cover artists then work with and manipulate to create completely one-of-kind, customized premade covers that are sold once to an author for their book, and never sold again.

You will never find a "clone” cover on our site, because the main visual of each image used is altered and customized for that specific book cover.

Bookcoverzone.com makes sure that every cover that appears on our site has been created using either legally purchased images, public domain that meets our stringent requirements or exclusive illustrations, photography or original art.
Try using another font, a smaller size, perhaps break up your title in a different way.
Yes! You can customize your text (Author name, title, tag line) in many different fonts, sizes, colors and choose where you want your info to go. Want your name at the top of the page, you can do it. Want a tag line above the title, you can do it.

After you buy your cover, it's yours to customize your typography as you wish. We have lots of great fonts and typographical effects for you to choose from. Since you are a writer, if you don't want to customize your cover yourself on our site you can hire a freelance graphic designer to help you with your typography. OR to make things real simple, just send us an email and we will ask the artist who created your cover to make recommendations- if custom typography and fonts are requested there will be a small fee. Please remember that only the artist who bought the original stock images used can modify your cover art but any artist can help you customize your text.
Just hit the revise button and play with the font, text, color, position and glow or shadow until you are happy. Even after you purchase your cover you can make changes to it.
Yes! You can go back and customize it 100 times on our site if you wish. You paid for it, it's yours. Customize it and change it to your heart's desire.
Use the lo-res 72 dpi file for posting the cover on your website, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. You can also use it on Barnes & Noble's Nook Press, and Amazon's KDP. For Smashwords and Apple iBooks, use the hi-res 300 dpi file.

If you want to make a paperback cover, or use the cover on bookmarks or other printed swag like postcards, use the hi-res 300 dpi file. For more information on making a paperback cover, see the FAQ for that question.
A print cover uses the hi-res 300dpi cover image you buy here, plus a spine and back cover. To make a back cover and spine for your print book, first you'll need to format your manuscript for print. That's important because the size of the book you choose, the amount of total pages you have, and the color of paper you choose (cream or white) will all affect how thick your book is, which changes the dimensions of the spine.

Createspace has book templates where you can copy/paste your manuscript into it, to easily format it for print: https://www.createspace.com/Products/Book/InteriorPDF.jsp

Then you go to the book cover templates link and enter into the calculator your page numbers and paper color (cream is the color of most paperback book pages, by the way, not white). It will give you a Cover Template in PDF format.

This is that calculator to get the cover template: https://www.createspace.com/Help/Book/Artwork.do

If you want to upload your book cover yourself and design your own back cover and spine, you can do that here: https://www.createspace.com/Special/Help/Tools/CoverCreatorBooks.jsp#books

If you want us to do it for you, please click "Request a Back Cover and Spine" found on your Dashboard. You'll need to send us that Book Cover Template PDF (the one you get after you format for print and enter the page numbers, trim, etc into the calculator), so that we'll know how thick to make the spine.
There are two options to get a back cover/spine.

Option 1: GENERIC- It is Free using the Cover Creator on CreateSpace.com when you do it yourself.

If you want to upload your book cover yourself and design your own back cover and spine, you can do that here:


Option 2: CUSTOM: The artist who designed your cover will create a custom back cover/spine for you merging your Bookcoverzone.com book cover through the spine onto the back cover. The fee for a profesionally designed back cover/spine is $149.

For print on demand you will need a back cover/spine. First you'll need to format your manuscript for print. That's important because the size of the book you choose, the amount of total pages you have, and the color of paper you choose (cream or white) will all affect how thick your book is, which changes the dimensions of the spine.

Createspace has book templates where you can copy/paste your manuscript into it, to easily format the interior pages for print: https://www.createspace.com/Products/Book/InteriorPDF.jsp

Then you go to the book cover templates link and enter into the calculator your page numbers and paper color (cream is the color of most paperback book pages, by the way, not white). It will give you a Cover Template in PDF format.

This is that calculator to get the cover template: https://www.createspace.com/Help/Book/Artwork.do

For back cover/spine art please click "Request a Back Cover and Spine" found on your Dashboard. You'll need to send us that Book Cover Template PDF (the one you get after you format for print and enter the page numbers, trim, etc into the calculator), so that we'll know how thick to make the spine.

When you request the back cover and spine, you will be prompted to fill out a form for us. On that form, you include ALL of the text that goes on your back cover. That's how we know what to include when our artist creates your custom back cover/spine.

When we are done, we will send you a PDF file that you then upload to CreateSpace when they ask for your "print-ready cover." CreateSpace is very user-friendly - it walks you through each step of the process (uploading your interior book file, uploading your print-ready cover from us, filling out the details for the product page (like pricing etc).
Yes. But as we explained in the above question, you will need a back cover/spine created or you can do it yourself. For print you will use the larger file that is 300 dpi. After you have made your purchase, on your Dashboard you will see your cover with a link to purchase a back cover/spine if you wish.
First format your book, send us the template and your finished cover. Then fill out the form found on your Dashboard called Back Cover/Spine Request. The artist who created your cover will get the assignment. If the artist decides not to accept the assignment, we will arrange for it to be done with another artist.
Changing a cover is easy. Just go to your Amazon KDP Bookshelf, click "edit book details" next to your book, and go to the section where it says "upload cover image." Then you choose your new cover image file from where it is saved on your computer (probably under "downloads").

It's the same on all of the other retailers. When changing your cover on Smashwords and B&N Nook Press, use the hi-res "print quality" file.
When comparing your book cover on a computer screen and when it is printed, you are not comparing "apples to apples". It is normal to see a difference because files will look brighter when viewed as a PDF on a computer screen because they are illuminated from behind in RGB ( that's in red, blue and green to create all the colors you see in the file). Some monitors are brighter than others. When we look at a printed book cover we see it with reflected light and it is printed in CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow and black to create all the colors). This is why we always recommend that our authors get a test book printed.
You will need to sign up to use the Favorites and History feature.
After you sign up, go to your Dashboard.
When you sign up, this is a copy of your Licence Agreement.



Whereas, Bookcoverzone.com LLC (the "Company") is in the business of providing one-of-a-kind artwork consisting of two or more photographs or illustrations to its customers for use as a book cover, and

Whereas, Author desires to license artwork from the Company for use as a book cover.

It is therefore agreed as follows:

1. Grant of Rights. Author is licensing from the Company the right to use the artwork selected from the Company’s available cover art for the cover of Author’s book (the “Book”). This license is limited to an eBook or print run of up to 250,000 copies of the Book. An additional fee will be required for any additional copies. When buying a book cover on Bookcoverzone.com, you agree to purchase an enhanced license from the stock house(s) for images used in your cover once a total of 250,000 books (combined ebooks and print) have been sold. This is a requirement from the stock houses: an extended license fee of $75 per stock image is needed if there are more than 250,000 combined ebooks and print sales. If your cover is an original "hand drawn" illustration, an original photograph not purchased through a stock house or if public domain images were used there would be no additional licensing fee. It is the author's responsibility to inform Bookcoverzone if book sales exceed 250,000 books. Bookcoverzone.com will inform you if an extended license would be needed at that time. The Company will not be held liable for license infringement. This grant of rights includes the right, for all print and ebook versions of the Book, to distribute, publish, use, transmit, crop and otherwise display the Licensed Cover in connection with the Book, and for marketing, advertising and promotion of the Book.

2. Author Acknowledgments. Author acknowledges that although the Licensed Cover is represented by the Company to be a one-of-a-kind piece of art, it is derived by combining two or more stock photographs and that such stock photographs may appear individually or combined with other photographs for other uses. The combination of the stock photographs used to create the Licensed Cover will be exclusive to Author, will be removed from art available for licensing on the Company's website upon execution of this Agreement, and will not be licensed by the Company again. However, since the Company does not have exclusive rights to the stock photographs used to create the Licensed Cover, it is possible, although unlikely, that a non-affiliated party could recreate the Licensed Cover without the Company's knowledge, in which event the Company shall not be liable in any way to the Author.

3. Representations. Company represents and warrants that (i) the Licensed Cover was created by an artist for the Company by using two or more stock photography images which were licensed by such artist from a reputable stock photography agency; (ii) that each such stock photography usage license is represented by the artist to be sufficient to grant to the Company and for Company to grant to Author the rights the Company is granting to Author herein; (iii) that the Licensed Cover is represented by the artist not to infringe upon any copyright, trademark or trade dress, or other intellectual property rights of others; and (iv) that the artist represents that the stock photography agency has obtained valid model releases from each person who appears in the Licensed Cover sufficient to convey the rights granted to the Company and to the Author herein.

3. Term. This license shall remain in effect for as long as the Book remains in print.

4. Compensation. Author shall pay to Company a license fee, in full and complete compensation for the rights granted herein, in the sum indicated next to the Licensed Cover selected by Author.

5. Indemnification. Author agrees to fully indemnify and hold harmless Company, its employees, directors, officers, licensees, and anyone else associated with the use of the Licensed Cover as authorized herein, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, costs, expense, or damages including attorney's fees and expenses, arising out of any unauthorized use of the Licensed Cover.

6. Copyright Credit. Copyright to the Licensed Cover, if possible, shall be printed in the Book as specified next to the Licensed Cover.

7. Disclaimer. The Company, its employees, directors, officers and anyone else associated with the Company, hereby disclaims any and all warranties of merchantability, fitness for any particular purpose, expressed or implied, in connection with the license granted to Author herein. The Company shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, economic or consequential damages arising out of the license granted to Author and in no event will the Company's liability exceed the amount paid by Author to Company for the use of the Licensed Cover herein.

8. Jurisdiction. This agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and the parties consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Federal and State Courts located in New York County, New York.

9. Miscellaneous. a. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Author and Company regarding its subject matter. If any provision of this Agreement is held to be void or invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Failure by Company to enforce any provision of this Agreement is not a waiver of future enforcement of that or any other provision.

b. By clicking on "Accept" Author hereby acknowledges that Author has read the Agreement, has understood its terms and has been given the opportunity to seek legal advice.