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Brandy Rose #9286

This book cover has 2 lines for the title, 1 line for the subtitle, 1 line for the author, 2 lines for the hook, and finally 1 line for the genre.

The most popular tags describing this Paranormal & Urban premade book cover are , dark, nature, night and adult.

Other keywords revelant to this premade cover are horror, silhouette, romance, spooky, forest, symbol, moon, outdoors, ghost, fog, tree, water, galaxy, autumn, horizontal, men, environment, fairy tale, reflection, adults only, moonlight, photography, vampire, lake, vertical, beautiful people, weather, river, paranormal, full, growth, terrified, outer space, werewolf, young adult, retro style, males, landscape - scenery, springtime, beauty in nature, large, heroes, light - natural phenomenon, pond, silence, handsome people, sex symbol, fictional character, white color, only men, 20-29 years, muscular build, scenics - nature, mid adult, non-urban scene, arranging, mid adult men, young men, stream - body of water.

SKU: #9286

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